Using the Calendar

Using the Calendar

Using the calendar within CAC CareNet is a functional and easy process. Currently the calendar supports: calendar groups, event types, reoccurring events, and color customization. In the future the calendar will also integrate within the client profile and utilize a notification system to update personnel of events. To get started in using the calendar please follow along below.

Setting up Calendar Groups

Step 1. To setup a calendar group first expand your Admin tab and select 'Calendar Settings'
Note: Depending on your permission set you may receive an error. If you receive an error please reach out to your local administrator.

Step 2. Once on the calendar settings page you will have two sub navigation options to choose from. First we'll look at setting up calendar groups.

To add a group press the 'Add Group' button.

Step 3. After pressing the add group button you will get a pop-up for your new group. In this you will need to define the: group name, description, and background color. The background color works based upon RGB code. You can either press in the box to get the color selection, or if you have RGB code you would like to use for a specific color you can paste that into the box.

After entering information press the save button.

Step 4. After saving your group it will be displayed under the add group button. ** To officially activate and start using a calendar group you must add users.** If users have not been added to the group it will not display on the calendar itself.

To add users to a group simply press the 'Users' button in the far right column.

Step 5. After your page reloads you will be brought to a new page to add in users. Simply press the 'Add User(s)' button to select and add in users.

After the users have been added in you have the ability to select permissions for each user within the group. In the Permission column select the level of access you want each user to have.

Step 6. After creating a user group and adding users to that group you are now ready to start creating events on the calendar! If done correctly when creating an event you will see your calendar group as a selection option alongside the site wide calendar and your personal calendar.

Setting up Event Types

Step 1. To setup event types expand your Admin tab and select 'Calendar Settings'
Note: Depending on your permission set you may receive an error. If you receive an error please reach out to your local administrator.

Step 2. Once on the event types page you will see all published event types created for your database. For every database a default list of event types are provided, however please feel free to remove them and create more types as needed.

To create a new event type press the 'Add Event Type' Button.

Step 3. In the pop up you will need to give your event type a: label, description and color. The background color works based upon RGB code. You can either press in the box to get the color selection, or if you have RGB code you would like to use for a specific color you can paste that into the box.

After entering information press the save button.

Step 5. After saving your event type it is now ready for use within the calendar! If you want to edit a previously made event type simply press the 'Edit' button in the far right column.
Note: You may notice that on already created event types the ability to delete is not available. This is in place to ensure historical usage of event types is not altered.

Using the Calendar

- Accessing the Calendar -

Step 1. Navigate to the Calendar via the left hand navigation.

- Calendar Sections -

Step 1. Once on the calendar there will be several distinct sections to be aware of.
  1. New Event button
  2. Week toggles
  3. Calendar view format (default is week)
  4. Available Calendars (Color coordinated - set within calendar settings)
  5. Changing calendar color(s)
  6. Share (to share your personal calendar)
  7. Event types (Color coordinated - set within calendar settings)
  8. Calendar

- Creating a New Event -

Step 1. To create a new event you can either press the new event button or double click within the calendar itself.

Step 2. After pressing the new event popup window will appear. Within this section you have the option to fill in:
  1. Available Calendars: Defines what calendar(s) this event will be published to. Note: you can select more than one group to create an event.
  2. Title: Title of your event (this will be displayed in the actual calendar)
  3. Event Type: Identify what kind of event this is.
  4. Description: Give a description if necessary.
  5. Participating Personnel: Tag any additional personnel to the event
  6. Participating Clients: Tag any clients to an event
  7. Start/End: Define the time parameters for the event.
  8. Recurrence Type: Select how often you would like the event to occur (if applicable). By default an event will only be for the day it was created for.

- Editing an Event -

Step 1. To edit an event that's already been published simply click the event to open the detail pop up box.

Step 2. Within the pop up press 'Edit' to update/change the event. Always press save before navigating away.

- Recording an Event -

Step 1. To record an event first select an event and  then press 'Record' button.

Step 2. After pressing you will get a drop down list to select the reason why the event is being recorded. After selecting a reason press Record.
Alert: After pressing the Record button, *you will no longer be able to edit or change the event*. Always be sure you want to record an event before doing so.
Tip: If you want to change the status options, you can do that through the Modify Lists section.

 - Sharing your Personal Calendar -

Step 1. To share your personal calendar simply press the 'Share' button on the left hand side of the calendar.

Step 2. After pressing, a pop up will allow you to assign users to your calendar. After searching and saving a personnel to your calendar you also have the ability to set permissions as well (Read, Write, or All). Additionally, if you want to remove a personnel from your simply press the 'Delete' button.

- Changing the Color of your Calendars -

Step 1. To change the color of calendars you've been assigned to simply press the three dots located to the right of the calendar label.
Tip: Don't worry about changing colors - it will only be saved to your specific personnel profile.

Step 2. In the popup drag and drop within the color picker to choose a color then press the save button.

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