Within CAC CareNet users can have the ability to update and change their password whenever they need to. With the correct set of permissions this is a possibility. Please follow along below to learn more about updating a user group with this option: ...
From time to time within CAC CareNet, we encourage you to change your password. Updating your password on a regular interval helps keep it and your clients' data secure. To update or change a password follow the steps below: 1. After logging into CAC ...
If you are a personnel with permissions to update your own password, please follow the instructions below! Step 1: Click your username in the upper right hand corner, and then press the 'Profile' button. Step 2: Once on your personnel profile press ...
From time to time you may need to update the permissions of certain user groups within your system. To update a permission set follow the steps below: Step 1: From the dashboard expand the Admin tab and then press Permissions. Note: If you receive an ...
CAC CareNet provides support for many of the latest browsers. We strongly recommend that agencies use one of the following: Google Chrome FireFox Safari Microsoft Edge Microsoft Chromium Edge *New Development and Support for Internet Explorer 11 has been discontinued. Please update to one of the for-mentioned browsers.