Statistical Reporting for North Carolina

Statistical Reporting for North Carolina

Total new child abuse cases investigated for ages 0-8

Types of abuse for new cases ages 0-8
Age of victim in new cases
Race of victim in new cases ages 0-8
Gender of victim in new cases ages 0-8

The Following is report template that you can use to generate the numbers above.  Order the Report Fields by Reportinging Age, Abuse Type, Gender, Race and Ethnicity with the Client Account ID as the last option.  Sort each Report Field from A-Z and perform a Distinct Count on the Client Account ID to get your distinct numbers.

If you were a migration client and the Date Presented to CAC was not populated on old or closed cases, you will need to modify the filter options in the 2nd screenshot below.  Remove Date Presented to CAC, Change Type of Clients to New and Modify the Start and End Dates for your yearly results.

Here are the Filter Options needed.  Set the Start and End Dates for the entire range reporting period 2010-2019 and to perform your annual results, use the Date Presented to CAC as your yearly date filter.  You will need to change this date and generate a individual report for each year and combine your results in an Excel Spreadsheet.

Your Report should look similar to this one:

% of new cases with victims that were LE only 

Percentage of LE cases are not tracked in CAC CareNet.  However, you can Use the Following Report Template to view your LE Only Cases and manually calculate the difference using the Total Cases from your demographics report.  Add the Reporting Age and the Client Account ID.  Sort your Reporting Age from A-Z and select the Distinct Count for the Client Account ID.  Set the Start and End Dates for the entire range reporting period 2010-2019 and to perform your annual results, use the LE Referral Date as your yearly date filter.  You will need to change this date and generate a individual report for each year and combine your results in an Excel Spreadsheet.

If you do not Use LE or CPS Case Numbers or the referral date to LE, the following report will not calculate properly.

Total number of children ages 0-8 referred for an FI and total number of forensic interviews completed

Forensic Interviews Completed can be generated by just adding the Reporting Age and the Client Account ID.  Sort your Reporting Age from A-Z and select the Distinct Count for the Client Account ID.  Set the Start and End Dates for the entire range reporting period 2010-2019 and to perform your annual results, use the Date All Activities Were Completed as your yearly date filter.  You will need to change this date and generate a individual report for each year and combine your results in an Excel Spreadsheet.

Total number of children ages 0-8 referred for MH and total number of mental health sessions completed.

Mental Health:  There are 2 ways to generate results for your Mental Health Records.  If you are using the Therapy, Sessions and Progress Notes Use the following report template to generate your results.  Add the Reporting Age and the Client Account ID.  Sort your Reporting Age from A-Z and select the Distinct Count for the Client Account ID.  Set the Start and End Dates for the entire range reporting period 2010-2019 and to perform your annual results, use the Therapy Session Date as your yearly date filter.  You will need to change this date and generate a individual report for each year and combine your results in an Excel Spreadsheet.

Mental Health Encounter Advocacy Services:  If you are using Encounter Services to Track your Mental Health Cases, Use the following report template to generate your results.  
Add the Reporting Age and the Client Account ID.  Sort your Reporting Age from A-Z and select the Distinct Count for the Client Account ID.  
Set the Start and End Dates for the entire range reporting period 2010-2019 and to perform your annual results, use the Encounter Date as your yearly date filter.  You will need to change this date and generate a individual report for each year and combine your results in an Excel Spreadsheet.

Each CAC may have different Encounter Services then what is pictured below, you will need to adjust the Filter for Encounter Service to reflect the actual services that you use.

Therapy Referrals

If you are using Therapy Referrals in CAC CareNet, Use the following report template to generate your results.  Add the Reporting Age and the Client Account ID.  Sort your Reporting Age from A-Z and select the Distinct Count for the Client Account ID.  Set the Start and End Dates for the entire range reporting period 2010-2019 and to perform your annual results, use the Referral Date (From the Therapy Referral Section in the Drop-down) as your yearly date filter.  You will need to change this date and generate a individual report for each year and combine your results in an Excel Spreadsheet.

Total number of children ages 0-8 referred for a medical and total number of medicals completed

Medical Encounter Advocacy Services:  If you are using Encounter Services to Track your Medical Exams, Use the following report template to generate your results.  
Add the Reporting Age and the Client Account ID.  Sort your Reporting Age from A-Z and select the Distinct Count for the Client Account ID.  
Set the Start and End Dates for the entire range reporting period 2010-2019 and to perform your annual results, use the Encounter Date as your yearly date filter.  You will need to change this date and generate a individual report for each year and combine your results in an Excel Spreadsheet.

Each CAC may have different Encounter Services then what is pictured below, you will need to adjust the Filter for Encounter Service to reflect the actual services that you use.

The following Items are not tracked in CAC CareNet unless you are using Advocacy Encounter Services.  If you use a service, then the Medical Exam Report above will work, substitute the Medical Service with the Prevention Education Service that you use.

Total number of children who received prevention education (all ages)

Total number of adults who received prevention education (all ages)

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