Running a Site Report - Step by Step

Running a Site Report - Step by Step

Running site reports within CAC CareNet is an extremely easy process! Site reporting allows you to run pre-built reports with just a few clicks. To learn more about running a site report please follow the steps below:

Step 1. From the left hand navigation expand the 'Reporting' tab and select 'Site Reports'
Note: If you get a permission error when trying to access the reporting tab, please contact your local administrator.

Step 2. Once on the reporting tab you will find the different reports you can run within the 'Site Reports' box. Each report pulls different information out of your database, please find out about each report below:
  1. Cases by User: Pulls all clients assigned to a particular personnel.
  2. Client Service: Pulls a complete list of services completed between a date range, with the option of including case number, client name, provider name, and including therapy services.
  3. Missing Active: Pulls a list of clients that are missing a date activated for reporting (AFR date).
  4. Missing Information: Generates a report of common missing information from client profiles.
  5. NCA Report: Pulls required demographic, abuse, case and perpetrator information to satisfy the NCA Statistics requirements.
  6. New Client Details: Pulls a report of common new client details (This can also be used to find where clients are missing information).
  7. New Client: Pulls a report looking at new clients for a reporting period.
  8. Open Cases: Report looks at case information from presenting, LE, CPS, & Prosecution sections.
  9. Perpetrator Report: Generates a report looking a perpetrator specific information, associated case number, & abuse types.
  10. VOCA Report: Pulls required demographic, service, and abuse information to satisfy the requirements of the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant program.

Step 3.  After selecting one of the site reports to run you now have the option to setup filters (or parameters) in which you want to run a report. For all reports in the site reports tab you will need to key in a start & end date. Those are the only filter fields that are required.

For example, if selecting the cases by user report you can filter your results by a specific agency (if setup as a multi-agency site) or by specific personnel in addition to entering in your report dates. Leaving a filter blank means that it won't consider that field when generating the report. If you want the report to generate considering a filter, make a selection for the specific report you are running.
Tip: When running reports you will notice that filter options change depending upon the site report selected. This is occurring on purpose! Site reports are intended to make getting basic information out of your database as easy as possible. If you want to further customize reports you will need to build your report out in the Report Builder.  Any report (excluding 'Cases by User') within the site reports can be created within the report builder to allow for more customization.

Step 4. After making your report selection, entering in your date range, and selecting your filters you can now run your report! You will have two options to run your report in either PDF & HTML. The PDF option will make it easy to download and distribute whereas the HTML option is great if you plan on viewing in browser or copying and pasting to excel.

Additionally you either select 'View' or 'Download' depending on what you want to do with the report.

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