NCA Reporting: Data Collection Detail

NCA Reporting: Data Collection Detail

The tables below detail how the data in the statistical report are derived.  The information labeled “Query” provides the specific requirements that must be met to be included in the count specified in bold print at the top of the table.  The Case Tab columns and Data Fields columns indicate to NCAtrak users where the data being examined can be found in NCAtrak. 

Total number of children served at the CAC during the reporting period
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18.
Presenting Tab
§  Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)

§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

If a child is the alleged victim on more than one case received by the CAC during the reporting period, the report will count both cases.


Gender of Children
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged victim’s gender.
Presenting Tab
§  Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)

§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

§  Gender (alleged victim’s gender)


Age of children at first contact with center
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the date the case was received by CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged victim’s age.
Presenting Tab
§  Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)

§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)




Total number of alleged offenders
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of alleged offenders on cases where the date the case was received by CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18.
Presenting Tab
§  Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)

§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim age <=18)

§  Role (alleged offenders)


Relationship of alleged offender to child
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of alleged offenders on cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged offender’s relationship to the alleged victim.
Presenting Tab
§  Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)

§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

§  Role (alleged offenders)

§  Relationship to victim (matching NCA report terminology)

§  People Tab – Alleged Offender Unknown (Checked)

This query will add one offender as ‘unknown’ for each case where the Alleged Offender Unknown checkbox is check. Your pick list terms for relationship to victim must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab.


Age of alleged offenders
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of alleged offenders on cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged offender’s age.
Presenting Tab
§  Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)

§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

§  Role (alleged offender)

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged offender’s age <=18)

Type of abuse reported
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the date the case was received by the CAC date is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the type of alleged maltreatment(s) identified at the time of the referral to the CAC.
Presenting Tab
§  Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)

§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

§  Presenting Tab – Alleged Maltreatment (matching NCA report terminology)

People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

When multiple alleged maltreatments are selected on a case, each will be included in the count. Your alleged maltreatment terms must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab.
Race or ethnicity of total children seen at CAC during the reporting period
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the date the case was received by the CAC is within the reporting period, the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, grouped by the alleged victim’s race.
Presenting Tab
§  Date Case Received by the CAC (within the reporting period)

§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)

People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

§  Race (for the alleged victim – matching NCA report terminology)

Your terms for race or ethnicity must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab.

 Medical Exams/Treatment

Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where there is at least (1) one attended Medical session during the reporting period.
Presenting Tab
§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)
People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

Med Tab Session Log
§  Date (within reporting period)

§  Status (attended)

If a case has more than 1 attended Med session during the reporting period, this report will only count one.
Counseling Therapy
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where there is at least (1) one attended Mental Health session during the reporting period.
Presenting Tab
§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)
People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

MH Tab Session Log
§  Date (within reporting period)

§  Status (attended)

If a case has more than 1 attended MH session during the reporting period, this report will only count one.
Referral to Counseling Therapy
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where the ‘date therapy offered to the family’ is during the reporting period.
Presenting Tab
§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)
People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

MH Tab
§  Date Therapy Offered to Family (within reporting period)
Onsite/Offsite forensic Interviewing
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where there is at least (1) one attended forensic interview session during the reporting period, grouped by location.
Presenting Tab
§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)
People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

FI Tab Session Log
§  Date (within reporting period)

§  Status (attended)

§  Location (matching NCA report terminology)

If a case has more than 1 attended FI session during the reporting period, this report will only count one. Your terms for FI Location must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab.
Dispositions of Child Protective Services Information
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where the CPS investigation closed date is during the reporting period, grouped by CPS dispositions.
Presenting Tab
§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)
People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

§  Date Closed (within reporting period)

§  Disposition – (matching NCA report terminology)

Your terms for dispositions must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab.


Law Enforcement Dispositions – number of cases where charges were filed
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where the LE investigation closed date is during the reporting period, and the ‘charges filed’ radio button is ‘yes’.
Presenting Tab
§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)
People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

LE Tab
§  Date Closed (within reporting period)

§  Charges Filed (yes)


Cases accepted for prosecution
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where the prosecution decision ‘review date’ is within the reporting period and the status is ‘accepted’.
Presenting Tab
§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)
People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

Prosecution Tab –

Prosecution Decision

§  Review Date (within reporting period)

§  Status (accepted)


Convictions, Pleas, Acquittals
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of cases where the reason for the referral is ‘allegation of abuse’, and the age of the alleged victim is <=18, where the prosecution ‘outcome date’ is within the reporting period, grouped by prosecution ‘outcome’.
Presenting Tab
§  Reason for the Referral (allegation of abuse)
People Tab
§  Role (alleged victim),

§  Age at time of Referral (alleged victim’s age <=18)

Prosecution Tab –

Prosecution Outcome

§  Outcome Date (within reporting period)

§  Outcome

Other services provided by CAC (tracked in NCAtrak)
Case Tab
Data Fields
Count of attended FI, Med, VA, and MH sessions, and adjourned MDT meetings where the date of the session/meeting is during the reporting period and the reason for the referral on the case is ‘Other Direct Services’ or ‘Other Indirect Services’, grouped by ‘Other Direct Services and Other Indirect Services’, and age of person(s) receiving the service.
FI, Med, MH, VA Tab – Session Logs
§  Date (within reporting period)

§  Status (attended)

MDT Tab –

Meeting Results Log

§  Date (within reporting period)

§  Status (adjourned)

Presenting Tab
§  Reason for Referral (Requesting Other Direct Services)

§  Reason for Referral (Requesting Other Indirect Services)

§  Other Direct Services / Indirect Services (matching NCA report terminology)

People Tab
§  Role (Client)

§  Age at time of referral (age of person who received service)

VA Tab Session Log
§  Attendee
Your terms for Other Direct Services and Other Indirect Services must each have a match to NCA report terminology on the pick list tab. For FI, Med, MDT, and MH sessions, the attendee is the person whose role on the case is ‘client’. The report will count one service provided for each VA session attendee.

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