NCA Section | Field |
1) Number of NEW children during the reporting period: | Clients who were created and have an AFR date between the reporting period (Client Intake/Profile -> AFR) |
2) Gender of NEW children: | Based upon gender selected during intake in Client Profile (Client Intake/Profile -> Gender) |
3) Age of NEW children at first contact with the center: | Based upon DOB entered during intake in Client Profile (Client Intake/Profile -> DOB) |
4) Total number of alleged offenders: | Based upon the associated person(s) marked during the intake process & notated on the Case Tab in Presenting Information (Client Intake/Profile -> Alleged Perpetrator Checkbox) (Case Tab - Presenting -> Alleged Perpetrator) |
5) Relationship of alleged offenders to the NEW children during the reporting period: | Based upon the relationship of the alleged perpetrator during intake in Client Profile (Client Intake/Profile -> CT Relationship to Client) |
6) Age of alleged offenders to the NEW children during the reporting period: | Based upon the DOB of the alleged perpetrator during intake in Client Profile (Client Intake/Profile -> CT DOB) |
7) Types of abuse reported for the NEW children served during the reporting period: | Based upon abuse selection made in presenting within the Case Tab (Case Tab -> Presenting -> Abuse) |
8) Race or Ethnicity of NEW children: | Based upon selections made during the intake in Client Profile (Client Intake/Profile -> Race) (Client Intake/Profile -> Ethnicity) |
9) Number of children receiving services during the reporting period: | Medical Exam/Treatment: Based upon mapped encounter services within the reporting period (Services -> Services Provided) (Services -> Service Date) Counseling Therapy: Based upon mapped encounter services within the reporting period (Services -> Services Provided) (Services -> Service Date) Referral to Counseling Therapy: Based upon mapped encounter services within the reporting period (Services -> Services Provided) (Services -> Service Date) Forensic Interview: Based upon the Date all Activities completed within the reporting period (FI Tab -> Date all Activities Completed) (FI Tab -> Location) |
10) Disposition of Child Protective Services information: | Based upon disposition entered into the CPS section of the allegation in the Case Tab within the reporting period (Case -> Allegation -> Client CPS -> Abuse Disposition) (Case -> Allegation -> Client CPS -> Investigation Close Date) |
11) Law Enforcement: Number of cases where charges were filed: | Based upon close dates and charges filed entered into the LE section of the allegation in the Case Tab within the reporting period (Case -> Allegation -> Law Enforcement -> Investigation Close Date) (Case -> Allegation -> Law Enforcement -> Charges Filed) |
12) Prosecution Disposition: | Based upon the decision to prosecute, date referred to prosecute, the outcome date (within the reporting period), and disposition are entered in the Prosecution section of the allegation in the Case Tab (Case -> Allegation -> Client Prosecution -> Decision to Prosecute -> Accept) (Case -> Allegation -> Client Prosecution -> Date Referred to Prosecution) (Case -> Allegation -> Client Prosecution -> Outcome Date) (Case -> Allegation -> Client Prosecution -> Disposition) |