Creating Personnel Groups: Step-by-Step

Creating Personnel Groups: Step-by-Step

Within CAC CareNet, we offer the ability to create personnel groups. A personnel group gives you the option to add multiple personnel to one group making filling in certain fields much easier. Follow the steps below to learn how to create and manage personnel groups.

Step 1. To create a personnel group, first, expand the personnel tab and then press 'Manage Personnel Groups'.
Note: Depending on your permission set, you may not be able to access this section. If you encounter a permission error, please contact your local administrator.

Step 2. After your page reloads, you will be within the manager screen. Within this section, there are several distinct sections:
  1. To add a personnel group, simply type the name of the group and press the plus (+) icon. 
  2. Personnel groups will be displayed within this section. Additionally, you can delete a group or change the name by making a selection in the 'Actions' column.
  3. Available Personnel pulls from your personnel directory. This section is multi-select, so feel free to select multiple personnel at once. Then press the plus (+) icon to add them to a group
  4. To view a personnel profile, press the person icon.
  5. To remove personnel from a group, press the trash icon in the secondary actions column.

InfoStep 3. After creating your group (described above in part A), you now will need to add personnel to your group. To add personnel, first you will need to select the group from the group name column (A), then you can add personnel via the available personnel box (B).

Step 4. After you have added personnel to your group, you are done! They are now available for selection within the database.

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