Creating a Referral User - Step by Step
Utilizing the referral system within CAC CareNet makes accepting referrals from outside partners (LE, CPS, etc.) an extremely easy process. A referral user will have a limited view of CareNet, meaning they will not be able to view client profiles, personnel or make any changes. When someone is a referral user they only have the ability to create a referral that includes the basic client demographic information and case information. After a referral has been submitted an advocate can accept the referral via the client referrals section (to learn more about client referrals
press here). To create referral user follow the below steps:

Step 1: Expand the personnel tab on the left hand side bar and select 'Add Person'.

Note: If you receive an error message you may not have the proper permissions to access the personnel dashboard. If an error is received please contact your local administrator.

Step 2: Once on the add new person screen, fill out all the required and applicable information.

Tip: Required fields are in Red. If you forget to fill out a required field you will not be able to save!

Step 3: After filling in the demographic information click the 'System User' box. By clicking this box you will have the ability to assign a username and password for the user.

Step 4: Fill in the username and password information for the user. Important: To define a user as a referral user you must check the referral user box and ensure the active box is checked.

Note: If after saving you get an error message either your passwords don't match or the username you've selected is already being used in the system.

Step 5: After saving the personnel information direct your referral user to your login URL. (eg.
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